Details for Reference 937

PUBMED ID 36531499
DOI 10.3389/fendo.2022.965074
TITLE Genetic and phenotypic differences between sexes in congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH): Large cohort analysis from a single tertiary centre
44 combinations linked to 937 OLI1260; OLI1261; OLI1262; OLI1263; OLI1264; OLI1265; OLI1266; OLI1267; OLI1268; OLI1269; OLI1270; OLI1271; OLI1272; OLI1273; OLI1274; OLI1275; OLI1276; OLI1277; OLI1278; OLI1279; OLI1280; OLI1281; OLI1282; OLI1283; OLI1284; OLI1285; OLI1286; OLI1287; OLI1288; OLI1289; OLI1290; OLI1291; OLI1292; OLI1293; OLI1294; OLI1295; OLI1296; OLI1297; OLI1298; OLI1299; OLI1300; OLI1301; OLI1302; OLI1303

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