General Information
OLIDA was developed by the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels (IB)²
OLIDA completely overhauled DIDA, a novel database that provided for the first time detailed information on
genes and associated genetic
variants involved in digenic diseases, the simplest form of oligogenic inheritance, with the aim of increasing the data quality,
content and accessibility.
OLIDA was designed to allow storage of information on any type of oligogenic diseases in addition to the
digenic diseases present in DIDA.
DIDA has been deprecated, but the table data has been kept for historical purposes on Zenodo. OLIDA provides up-to-date information, more thoroughly curated using a clearly defined protocol (see details about our curation pipeline in the documentation).
Data in DIDA has been curated by the following former curators:
All the data in OLIDA was curated by dedicated biocurators:
Special Thanks
If interested to help in the curation, let us know. Special thanks already to following external contributors:
Dr Douglas Stewart, Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
Dr Anaïs Mottaz, Post-doctoral researcher at Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
v4, March 2024 
Update of OLIDA content with articles published up to January 2024.
Nine existing gene combinations (18, 176, 180, 452, 552, 559, 599, 708 and 747) had their scores upgraded and involved variant combinations which were reviewed for potential change of score.
Several variant combinations had part of their scores changed:
OLI022: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2 and 1 to 2 respectively, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 2, no change in the Final Metascore
OLI272: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2
OLI276: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2
OLI633: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2
OLI659: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 2, no change in the Final Metascore
OLI764: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2
OLI775: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 2, no change in the Final Metascore
OLI823: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2
OLI826: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 1, no change in the Final Metascore
OLI945: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 2, no change in the Final Metascore
OLI951: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 1, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 1, no change in the Final Metascore
OLI1008: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 1
OLI1013: Gene knowledge and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 1, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 1, no change in the Final Metascore
Were added to the database:
198 variant combinations
381 variants
123 genes
141 gene combinations
11 diseases
35 references
The format for the CNVs in the Oligogenic Variant Combinations table has been changed to include their gene name when available. In consequence, the format of the downloaded table has also changed.
The terms for the gene relationships were harmonized to avoid doublons, such as "Relevant pathways for phenotype" and "Involvement in relevant pathway(s) for phenotype".
v3.3, December 2023 
Update of variants ID 136, 137, 639, 947, 1661 and 2144, as they contained typos.
Many thanks to Dr Anaïs Mottaz, Post-doctoral researcher at Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, for finding the errors.
Update of the combination OLI1415 due to a missing variant, the missing variant was added under the ID 3399; gene combination with ID 992 was modified in consequence with their manual score and metascore downgraded to 0.
v3.2, October 2023
Update of combinations OLI1032, OLI1033, OLI1034, OLI1035, OLI1036, OLI1037 and OLI1038, to add the Meniere disease
to the list of diseases linked to the variant combinations.
Special thanks to Dr Douglas Stewart, Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow, for finding the error.
v3.1, July 2023
Changes in diseases-related statistics plots to include gene combinations and add genes for CNVs when available.
v3, May 2023 
Update of OLIDA content with articles published up to February 2023.
Three existing gene combinations (189, 606 and 635) had their scores upgraded and involved variant combinations were reviewed for potential change of score.
Several variant combinations had part of their scores changed :
OLI285: Gene Manual harmonized and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 2, increasing the Final Metascore from 0 to 1
OLI286: Gene Manual harmonized and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 2, increasing the Final Metascore from 0 to 1
OLI834 : Gene Manual score upgraded from 0 to 2
OLI836 : Gene Manual, Gene Manual harmonized, Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2, in consequence Functional Manual and Metascore were upgraded from 0 to 2, increasing the Final Manual and Metascore from 0 to 1
OLI847: Gene Manual harmonized and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 2, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 2, increasing the Final Metascore from 0 to 1
OLI868: Gene Manual harmonized and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 1, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 1, no change in Final Metascore
OL1108: Gene Manual harmonized and Gene Metascore upgraded from 0 to 1, in consequence Functional Metascore was upgraded from 0 to 1, no change in Final Metascore
382 new variant combinations were added to the database.
The variant combination OLI1126 was deleted and merged with a previously existing combination, OLI084, after correction of the variants coordinates.
The API was also updated to include all the metadata found in OPTIONS until now.
v2, August 2022 
Update of OLIDA content with articles published up to January 2022.
v1, April 2022 
Original OLIDA publication.
If you have any questions about OLIDA that are not answered in the documentation, feel free to contact us at We will try to get back at you as
soon as possible.
OLIDA – publications and citations
When using data from OLIDA please cite:
Nachtegael C. and Gravel B., Dillen A., Smits G., Nowé A., Papadimitriou S., Lenaerts T.
Scaling up oligogenic diseases research with OLIDA: the Oligogenic Diseases Database.
Database, April 2022. DOI:
Citation files: BibTex, RIS
Predictors trained using our data
The data from digenic diseases of DIDA was used in our research group and around the world to train machine learning predictors aiming to predict and understand the cause of digenic diseases.
They can be found on the about page of the website of DIDA at
VarCoPP 2.0
VarCoPP 2.0 is the update of the VarCoPP predictor, trained with the data from OLIDA with a decent confidence score, aiming to predicting potential pathogenic digenic variant combinations.
The model is integrated on the ORVAL platform.
Citing VarCoPP 2.0:
Versbraegen, N., Gravel, B., Nachtegael, C., Renaux A., Verkinderen E.,
Nowé A., Lenaerts T.,Papadimitriou S.
Faster and more accurate pathogenic combination predictions with VarCoPP2.0.
BMC Bioinformatics, May 2023. DOI:
Citation files: BibTex, RIS
ORVAL is a sister platform to OLIDA that incorporates the VarCoPP predictor, the digenic effect predictor and other analytical tools,
to explore oligogenic variant combinations and predicted pathogenic gene networks in an individual.
It is available at
Citing ORVAL:
Renaux A., Papadimitriou S., Versbraegen N., Nachtegael C., Boutry S., Nowé A., Smits G., Lenaerts T.
ORVAL: A novel platform for the prediction and exploration of disease-causing oligogenic variant
Nucleic Acids Research, May 2019. DOI:
Citation files: BibTex, RIS
BOCK is a knowledge graph constructed to explore disease-causing genetic interactions,
integrating curated information on oligogenic diseases from clinical cases with relevant biomedical networks and ontologies. Using this graph,
they developed a novel predictive framework based on heterogenous paths connecting gene pairs.
This method trains an interpretable decision set model that not only accurately predicts pathogenic gene interactions, but also unveils the patterns associated with these diseases.
BOCK is available at
Citing BOCK:
Renaux A., Terwagne C., Cochez M., Tiddi I., Nowé A., Lenaerts T.
A knowledge graph approach to predict and interpret disease-causing gene interactions.
BMC Bioinformatics, August 2023. DOI:
Citation files: BibTex, RIS
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Supported By:

This work was supported by
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Brussels-Capital Region-Innoviris within the framework of the Operational Programme 2014–2020 through the ERDF-2020 project ICITY-RDI.BRU (,
Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S-F.N.R.S) through a FRIA grant (40008622), a postdoctoral fellowship (40005602) and a research project (35276964),
The Service Public de Wallonie Recherche by DIGITALWALLONIA4.AI through the ARIAC project (2010235),
Innoviris Joint R&D project Genome4Brussels project (2020 RDIR 55b),
The Research Foundation – Flanders (F.W.O) infrastructure project associated with ELIXIR Belgium (I0022819N).