Details for Reference 868

PUBMED ID 30098700
DOI 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.04.010
TITLE Mutation profiles and clinical characteristics of Chinese males with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
65 combinations linked to 868 OLI851; OLI852; OLI853; OLI854; OLI855; OLI856; OLI857; OLI858; OLI859; OLI860; OLI861; OLI862; OLI864; OLI865; OLI866; OLI867; OLI869; OLI870; OLI871; OLI872; OLI873; OLI874; OLI875; OLI876; OLI877; OLI878; OLI879; OLI880; OLI881; OLI882; OLI883; OLI884; OLI885; OLI886; OLI887; OLI888; OLI889; OLI890; OLI891; OLI892; OLI893; OLI894; OLI895; OLI896; OLI897; OLI898; OLI899; OLI900; OLI901; OLI902; OLI903; OLI904; OLI905; OLI906; OLI907; OLI908; OLI909; OLI910; OLI911; OLI912; OLI913; OLI914; OLI915; OLI863; OLI868

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