Details for Reference 948

PUBMED ID 35669683
DOI 10.3389/fendo.2022.846801
TITLE Correlation Analysis of Genotypes and Phenotypes in Chinese Male Pediatric Patients With Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
26 combinations linked to 948 OLI835; OLI836; OLI1335; OLI1336; OLI1337; OLI1338; OLI1339; OLI1340; OLI1341; OLI1342; OLI1343; OLI1344; OLI1345; OLI1346; OLI1347; OLI1348; OLI1349; OLI1350; OLI1351; OLI1352; OLI1353; OLI1354; OLI1355; OLI1356; OLI1357; OLI834

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