Details for Reference 999

PUBMED ID 37928541
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1265404
TITLE Implications of combined NOD2 and other gene mutations in autoinflammatory diseases
40 combinations linked to 999 OLI1750; OLI1751; OLI1752; OLI1753; OLI1754; OLI1755; OLI1756; OLI1757; OLI1758; OLI1759; OLI1760; OLI1761; OLI1762; OLI1763; OLI1764; OLI1765; OLI1766; OLI1767; OLI1768; OLI1769; OLI1770; OLI1771; OLI1772; OLI1773; OLI1774; OLI1775; OLI1776; OLI1777; OLI1778; OLI1779; OLI1780; OLI1781; OLI1782; OLI1783; OLI1784; OLI1785; OLI1786; OLI1787; OLI1788; OLI1789

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