Details for Reference 906

PUBMED ID 34803902
DOI 10.3389/fendo.2021.664645
TITLE Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Indicates a Frequent Oligogenic Involvement in Primary Ovarian Insufficiency Onset
33 combinations linked to 906 OLI1039; OLI1040; OLI1041; OLI1042; OLI1043; OLI1044; OLI1045; OLI1046; OLI1047; OLI1048; OLI1049; OLI1050; OLI1051; OLI1052; OLI1053; OLI1054; OLI1055; OLI1056; OLI1057; OLI1058; OLI1059; OLI1060; OLI1061; OLI1062; OLI1063; OLI1064; OLI1065; OLI1066; OLI1067; OLI1068; OLI1069; OLI1070; OLI1071

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