Details for Reference 807

PUBMED ID 29205322
DOI 10.1111/cge.13189
TITLE A targeted sequencing panel identifies rare damaging variants in multiple genes in the cranial neural tube defect, anencephaly
74 combinations linked to 807 OLI690; OLI691; OLI692; OLI693; OLI694; OLI695; OLI696; OLI697; OLI698; OLI699; OLI700; OLI701; OLI702; OLI703; OLI704; OLI705; OLI706; OLI707; OLI708; OLI709; OLI710; OLI711; OLI712; OLI713; OLI714; OLI715; OLI716; OLI717; OLI718; OLI719; OLI720; OLI721; OLI722; OLI723; OLI724; OLI725; OLI726; OLI727; OLI728; OLI729; OLI730; OLI731; OLI732; OLI733; OLI734; OLI735; OLI736; OLI737; OLI738; OLI739; OLI740; OLI741; OLI742; OLI743; OLI744; OLI745; OLI746; OLI747; OLI748; OLI749; OLI750; OLI751; OLI752; OLI753; OLI754; OLI755; OLI756; OLI757; OLI758; OLI759; OLI760; OLI761; OLI762; OLI763

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